These documents have been prepared to detail the requirements so that Robbie Rhodes Music (the “COMPANY”) can produce the best possible performance. PURCHASER (or Venue being leased, rented or co-promoted with COMPANY for this engagement), the words Purchaser and Venue to be interchangeable for purposes of the Rider) may request alteration to this rider in writing to Matt Elvin, . PURCHASER shall not consider a request for alteration to be agreed upon until written confirmation is returned by COMPANY to PURCHASER. The term Artist, used herein shall refer to the live stage show production “Robbie Rhodes In Concert” which shall include individuals who are performing cast members. Should there be any questions, concerns or issues related to the Tour, performance and engagement of any kind and nature whatsoever by the Purchaser or Venue, all such questions shall be directed to the COMPANY.

If you are purchasing the Multi-Media Show, please click here for specific technical and rider information.